About the College of Business and Accountancy

The College of Business and Accountancy offers the following degree programs:


·         Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


·         Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting


·         Bachelor of Science in Business Administration




                         ·   Financial Management


                         ·   Human Resource Management


                         ·   Marketing Management.

CBA aims to produce graduates who do not only possess basic knowledge and competence in the field of business but also the essential qualities of business leaders and are responsive and sensitive to the factors that affect the economic, social, technological, legal and political environment in which businesses operate.

The college prides itself in its intensive curricula aimed at developing students to become competitive in their own field of disciplines, potential leaders in the business world, technically competent and confident in facing the challenges and problems they will encounter, life-long learners of new knowledge and technologies, effective communicators in both verbal and written English, research-oriented on matters relevant to society’s development, socially responsible towards national growth and development, and able to relate to people of diverse cultures, customs and values.


To be recognized as a premiere business school, driving innovation, ethical leadership, and sustainable development in the region and the world.


Committed to prepare the youth to become ethically and socially responsible business executives who manifest dedicated spirituality and moral uprightness to succeed in a globally competitive marketplace.





·         Doctor of Management


·         Master in Business Administration


·         Bachelor of Science in Business Administration



Joram Allen S. Alatraca

Master in Business Management

Bachelor of Laws

Eleno O. Buray, Jr.

Doctor of Management

Master in Business Management

Certified Public Accountant

Jessa S. Cortez

Master in Business Management

Licensed Professional Teacher

Ralch Andreiy A. Cuaresma

Master in Business Management

Sushmita C. Dalapo

Bachelor of Laws

Lilia P. Duraliza

Doctor of Management

Master of Business Management

Atty.  Alfred Lord Tennyson Q. Gaccion

Bachelor of Laws

Fahra Jane E. Gorgod

Master in Business Administration

Damian C. Lastimosa, III

Master in Business Management

Rolan F. Literatus

Master in Business Administration

Certified Public Accountant

Heidi Grace P. Mendoza

Doctor in Business Management

Certified Public Accountant

Master in Business Administration

Rowena R. Orbeta

Doctor of Management

Master in Business Administration

Licensed Professional Teacher

Certified Public Accountant

Ophelia G. Paano

Master in Business Management

Certified Public Accountant

Frank Richard T. Paurom

Master in Business Management

Certified Public Accountant

Charliez Jane R. Soriano

Master in Business Administration

Certified Public Accountant

Jeanlie C. Valenzuela

Master in Business Administration

Cherry Marie G. Taguiam

Master in Business Administration

Programs offered


The Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) program is ad four year course that provides general accounting education to students wanting to pursue a professional career in Accountancy in general and Public Accounting in particular.

The program is compliant with the minimum requirements under CMO Number 27, series of 2017  including the  latest competency framework for professional accountants issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) through their International Education Standards, thus making the graduates qualified  to take assessment leading to Certifications in Accountancy given by Professional Regulatory Commission – Board of Accountancy (PRC-BOA) and other global professional Accountancy organizations. 



The Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting (BSMA) program is a four year course that is designed to prepare students to use generally accepted accounting principles and procedures for recording and presenting financial results and managing budgets.

The program is compliant with the minimum requirements under CMO Number 28, series of 2017 including the latest competency framework for professional accountants issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) through their International Education Standards, thus making the graduates qualified to  take the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Examination.



The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) is a four-year course that equips students with management and technical skills necessary for today’s business executives and entrepreneurs. It prepares students for a professional career in various functional areas in finance, human resources and marketing.

The program is compliant with the minimum requirements under CMO Number 17 series of 2017.


Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (pacucoa)

Granted Level IV Accreditation


Philippine Association of Collegiate Schools of Business (PACSB)

Philippine Association of Collegiate Schools of Business

Philippine Council of Deans and Educators in Business (PCDEB)

Philippine Council of Deans and Educators in Business

Council of Business Education Deans and Program Heads in Region 10 (COBEDAPH)

Council of Business Education Deans and Program Heads in Region 10

Contact Details


Dr. Elizabeth E. Figueroa


Landline Number

864-8865 local 8051

Mobile Number

0955 803 9582

Email Address

[email protected]

[email protected]


CU College of Business and Accountancy