Capitol University consistently adheres to government mandates, especially concerning the safety and security of the community. In line with this, CU participated in the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill as mandated by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) which was conducted last November 11, 2021 at exactly 8:00 in the morning.
The activity was spearheaded by the Security Department under the guidance of Dr. Franco C. Flores, the Vice President for Administration and the Earthquake Drill Master; and Mr. Leo Pangan, Head Security, PPFMO, and Assistant Earthquake Drill Master. The following teams assisted and participated:
1. First Aid Team (Medical and Dental Clinic)
2. Building Managers (Deans and Heads)
3. Fire-Safety Team (Security and Maintenance Personnel)
4. Evacuation Team (Building Marshals and Floor marshals)
5. Communications Team (Selected Security Personnel)
6. Search and Rescue Team (Selected Maintenance Personnel)
Prior to the drill, the Earthquake Drill Master conducted a briefing to the Command Center personnel. He also checked the condition and efficiency of the equipment and devices that will be used during the drill such as the CCTV Camera in the Central Monitoring Center, the Central Paging System, the Electronics Fire Alarm System, and the Radio Communication devices.
The Assistant Earthquake Drill Master took charge of the briefing especially to the Fire Safety Team, the Evacuation Team, the Communication Team, and the Search and Rescue Team.

During the actual drill, the electronic emergency alarm bell system was sounded. This signaled to do participants to “Duck, hold and cover” as shown in the pictures following

Online, a number of students also participated in the drill and simulated the duck, hold, and cover in their respective houses.

After a three-minute bell, the electronic siren followed. This signaled the team to begin evacuating people from buildings.

The Evacuation Area:

At exactly 8: 45 AM, the Earthquake Drill Master announced the conclusion of the drill and advised all building occupants to return to their respective buildings.
We may not be able to predict when calamity will strike, but we can ensure that we are prepared to respond in the most organized and efficient manner for the safety of the CU community. Thank you to the Earthquake Drill Master, the Asst. Drill Master, and to all the teams and students who participated in the Earthquake Drill for all their efforts in fortifying the university’s safety and security measures.